Drop-off Mailbox/ Mail-In Photofinishing
Whether you are Dropping off your film or if Mailing in, we have created an online Film Processing Portal for the most common film services so you can give us instructions and make payment conveniently. It’s designed to make things quick and easy along with helping us get your film into the photo-lab faster than filling out a form!
Step 1: When you are ready, submit your film processing order online, by clicking on the icon below to get to our portal.

Remember to include your name, telephone number and portal order number with your film then drop it off or mail it in.
Introductory Discount 10%
When in payment section, use discount code: 10off
For in-house C41, Black-and-White, APS, Same Day, Next Day and No Rush
Step 2: Drop your package off in our locked box!
The code is 8989 and remember to please close the lid and lock it ! See video below
*We are unable to monitor the box 24/7 so it is use at your own risk and subject to certain conditions.
*The underwater cameras don't fit!

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Do you have a tutorial to help me navigate the portal?
A: Yes, click HERE to watch.
Q: What if I want you to email me my images only?
A: Pick the Scan only option for Colour and/or Black-and-White film
Q: What’s C41?
A: It is the chemistry for Colour film and will say on your canister/box to use this chemistry
Q: Is 135 the same as 35mm film?
A: Yes, it is the same format (size) just different terminology
Q: I have a disposable camera, what chemistry and film format is that?
A: Choose C41-135 for Colour or BW-135 for black-and-white 135
Q: I used a disposable camera or an automatic camera when shooting my roll of film, did I push or pull my film?
A: No, a disposable camera does not have this option and automatic film cameras do not normally allow this option. When you push or pull your film, you have to have the ability to change your ISO settings to be different from the ISO value noted on the film. E.g. your film iso is 400, pushing is changing your ISO settings on the camera to 800 for example, or pulling, to 200iso.
Q: How many exposures/pictures are in a disposable camera?
A: 27exposures/pictures are most common in disposable cameras
Q: Is Jpeg good enough?
A: If you want to share online, do nominal editing, print smaller than 8x10, or are not concerned with compressed files, our jpeg scans will be adequate.
Q: Should I choose to Cut or Don’t Cut the negatives?
A: If you do not have a filing system, we recommend Cut as it saves space. People will normally choose Don’t Cut when they want to re-scan the images again or have their own filing system
Q: Do you always have Same Day or Next Day Services?
A: No, unfortunately we can be at capacity for both these services in the middle of the day. If we are, we will refund these charges. Look out for our store receipt to indicate we have received your film and what service time we have for your order.
Didn't see your question? Please email us at info@downtowncamera.com or call us at 416-363-1749 we are here to be of service!