A major firmware update for the SIGMA fp
Announcement of a major update for the SIGMA fp:
Release of firmware Ver. 2.00
We are pleased to announce that SIGMA Corporation has released firmware Ver. 2.00 for the SIGMA fp, a full-frame mirrorless interchangeable-lenscamera.
Since its launch in October 2019, users have been able to explore their individual ways of imaging expression. The positive reactions received from users enjoying both still and cine digital imaging perfectly reflects the core concept of the SIGMA fp―”Seamless & Scalable” This SIGMA fp major firmware update is released with the aim of meeting our customers’ needs in order to enhance the convenience and provide further possibilities of imaging expression. This firmware update includes functions that had been planned but were not available at the fp’s launch, and are in addition to the benefits announced in March 2020 (Firmware update schedule for the SIGMA fp).
SIGMA is committed to continuing our development effort to improve the functionality of the SIGMA fp and ensure a superior experience to our valued users.
To download SIGMA fp firmware:
SIGMA fp Firmware Ver. 2.00 Update Overview:
SIGMA fp Firmware Ver. 2.00 Update Cine Functions:
To learn more about SIGMA fp:
To learn more about SIGMA fp firmware Ver 2.0 and the updated CINE features:
SIGMA fp firmware Ver2.0 Introduction|https://www.youtube.com/user/sigmaglobalvision
[Newly introduced functionality]
- Supporting cinemagraph creation and playback.
- CinemaDNG footages playback
- Supporting still capture during live view and movieshooting in Cine mode
- Supporting still image capture from movie files(CinemaDNG, MOV) shot with the SIGMA fp
- Supporting HDR in movie shooting
- Supporting still and movie shooting in Director's Viewfinder mode
- Supporting DCI 4K 12bit / HDMI Raw output
- Supporting RAW over HDMI recording with Atomos NinjaV monitor-recorder*
* A free Atom OS firmware update for Ninja V is required.
- Supports recording Blackmagic RAW codec over HDMI with Blackmagic Video Assist 12G models*
* Requires firmware update of Video Assist 12G models using Video Assist Update 3.3.
- Camera movement control is compatible with ZHIYUN Weebill S gimbal.
* Firmware update of the corresponding device is required.
*Please refer to ZHIYUN firmware release information about functions supported. Since not all functions will be supported in this firmware update,both SIGMA and ZHIYUN will need to continue working on this to make more and more functions to be compatible in future firmware updates.
- Instruction message appears when attempting to use greyed-out items in SHOOT menu
- Supporting camera control in USB mode*
* The SDK (Software Development Kit) for controlling the camera is scheduled to be available by early July.
[Enhanced/modified functionality]
- Supporting Dual Base ISO (ISO100 and 3200)
- Improved AF performance
- Improved accuracy with evaluative exposure metering
- Improved image quality
- Supporting CinemaDNG 25 and 29.97 fps (UHD 12bit)shooting
- Supporting CinemaDNG 100 fps (FHD 12bit) shooting
- Supporting CinemaDNG 100 and 119.88 fps (FHD 8bit and 10bit) shooting
- “OFF” option available in Color mode
- Exposure adjustment available in QS (Quick Set)
- Tone control setting “Auto (Mild / Strong)”available during movie shooting
- Supporting USB Video Class (UVC) setting adjustments while the fp is connected to USB
- Supporting time code generation
- Compatible with BWF format
- Supporting file size changes at aspect ratio 7:6
- Supporting changes of shutter sound effect
[Bug fixes]
- The phenomenon of flickering in dark areas in video footages has been corrected
- Bugs in USB Video Class (UVC) setting when connected to USB or during movie shooting have been corrected
- Improved recording stability with recording media
- Other minor bugs have been corrected
* To develop raw data (DNG files) from the SIGMA fp with firmware Ver. 2.00, the use of SIGMA Photo Pro 6.7.4 is required. Users need to update to SIGMA Photo Pro 6.7.4 when applying the fp ver.2.0 firmware update.
[SIGMA Photo Pro downloads]
To see instructions on specific functions or view Menu Map, follow the link below.
- SIGMA fp manuals / Menu Map
SIGMA Canada Site:https://www.sigmacanada.ca/en/
SIGMA fp productinformation:https://www.sigmacanada.ca/en/cameras/mirrorless/sigma-fp
SIGMA Introduces the shortfilm Sin-Sin, Filmed with the SIGMA fp

Update: Cinemagraph Tutorial
Medium.com has published an easy to follow tutorial on how to create a Cinemagraph using the SIGMA fp camera. Please click on the following link to learn more.