DTC Eclipse Roundup Invite w/ special photoshop tutorial (Total Eclipse of Good Health)
The Moon, the Sun, and the Earth have concluded their celestial dance**. We did our research, we ordered our solar filters, we cleaned our sensors, we called in to work sick, or inspired, or sick and inspired, and then we put ourselves in the path of totality (or near thereto), and we shot.
Maybe we shook our fists at errant clouds, and at the beauty of impermanence; maybe we spun and tossed our tripods skyward, only for them to fall frustratingly short of the offending veil mocking us from on high, all fluffy and cloud-like –irrespective, on the 8th of April, 2024, the Great North American Eclipse happened, and we who could did bear witness.
After all that, if luck and meteorology proved to be on our side, we now find ourselves heavy with the fruit of our efforts, and just like coming into the possession of 1,000-5,000 pieces of fruit of varying quality, we’re left asking… what on Earth does one do with all this fruit?
Why, you can send them to us, of course! That’s photos, not fruit.
For, here at The Downtown Camera Blog, we’d love to see your best eclipse shots!
If you’d like to share your shots with us, you can send us one of your best (or worst?) to Blog@DowntownCamera.com, tell us who you are, where you shot, with what did you shoot, how you shot it, and maybe even how the event made you feel. And then, after our blog team has finished editing our own shots, we’ll put the best photos together on a future blog post. The deadline for submissions is May 8th 2024.
Of course, if you called in to work sick in order to attend the eclipse, then we can see how that could be awkward, sharing such photos. As such, we have a tutorial, below, on how to edit eclipse photos such that they are safe to share where colleagues or bosses may find them. Although, if you are dealing with truly discerning individuals, this tutorial may not be sufficient, so please keep that in mind.
PSD file for editing along:
Thank you,
- The New Blog Team
**Please note: After a talk with our Downtown Camera astrophysicist over at the Downtown Camera Solar Observatory, we would like to reassure you that the Moon, the Sun, and the Earth are all continuing to pirouette and dance about each other in the way that allows our planet to support complex life and camera stores.